How to buy stocks
How to buy Indonesian stocks (investing in shares or sometimes calling them how to play stocks, planting shares and stock business) on the stock exchange is to first open a stock account on your behalf. If you open a savings account, you will go to the Bank, whereas if you open a stock account you will go to a securities company (sometimes referred to as a broker or stock broker). The technical opening of a stock account is very similar to the opening of a savings account.
Securities companies in Indonesia pretty much reach more than one hundred companies. Some are owned by the government (BUMN), some are owned by the national private sector, some are owned by foreigners.
- The property of BUMN is BNI Sekuritas (NI), Mandiri Sekuritas (CC), Danareksa Sekuritas (OD), Bahana Sekuritas (DX).
- The ones that are owned by the national private are Sinarmas Sekuritas (DH), Trimegah Sekuritas (LG), Panin Sekuritas, Henanputi Rai Sekuritas (HP), Balbury Securities (CP), Brent Securities, Securities Trust and others.
- Foreign ownership include Kim Eng Securities, CLSA Securities, JP Morgan Securities (BK), Merrill Lynch Securities (ML), Phillips Securities, UBS Securities, BNP Paribas Securities (RX).
1. Create a stock account
How to buy stock begins with opening or creating a stock account in one of the securities companies (brokerage firm or stock brokerage firm). Several securities currently offer Indonesia stock investment with initial opening of account which is not too big that is at least Rp 5 million. To be sure about the minimum starting balance, you can contact one of the securities companies. The data required when opening an account are:
- Copy of identity
- Data address of residence
- Business or work data
- Data of the heirs
- Copy of savings account book
2. Select the stock
Once you open a stock account and have deposited the minimum initial fund required by Securities Company then at any time you are able to transact shares. The next stage is to select the stocks you want to buy before you actually make a purchase. The goal is to buy a winning share or stock that will give you a big advantage for your stock investment.In stock selection (before you want to buy) required analysis of the condition of the company concerned. Is the company healthy, growing, profits are always increasing and so on. This is also known as fundamental analysis. In addition, you also need to determine the timing by looking at the stock price chart. Whether to buy now, or wait a few more days. This is called technical analysis. You can see the Stock analytics page for an example of how to analyze a stock.
3. Buy stocks
After you do a little research about what stock you want to buy, then the next step is to buy the stock itself.There are 2 (two) ways to buy shares:
- Through brokers (stockbrokers). You can order a purchase order through your broker (where you open a stock account) either directly (if you are in your broker's office) or by phone.
- Incorporate direct stock purchase orders online using Online Stock Trading System or Online Stock Sale and Purchase Application. Generally, brokers or stockbrokers already have and provide online facilities, so that its customers can enter direct purchase order or stock sale order. This facility is a software system that must be installed (in install) first you lifted. The device can be a PC, laptop or notebook, tablet or smartphone (android, blackberry, windows phone and others).
4. Selling Stocks Shares
After you buy the stock, then it's time to sell the stock. You must monitor the stock price movements of the stocks you have purchased. If the stock price is higher than the purchase price, you may just sell the stock to make a profit. The term Take Profit or Profit Taking. You can even immediately sell the stock you just bought if the stock goes straight. This is called day trading or day trading of stocks.
The steps or how to sell shares are similar to the steps or how to buy stocks such as explanation number 3 above. The money from the sale of your shares will be automatically transferred to your stock account.
So how to buy shares of Indonesia. Please contact the nearest stockbroker office in your city. Congratulations to start investing in stock.
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